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Customer Reviews
For Polo Blue
by Ralph Lauren
Christmas is coming and I bought this for a family member. Therefore, I cannot go lyrical on it's qualities, etc. The package is nice, the price better than elsewhere. I hope this Christmas is merry and polo!
Written by Mona on November 17, 2016
My son has worn Polo Blue for many years and loves it. He won't wear anything else. I bought this for him (the large bottle) as a Xmas gift because of the good price and convenience of ordering on line.
Written by LeeAnn on December 17, 2013
My husband has been using this for sometime. It always smells good. Clean smelling. I like it on him very much.I am waiing for Sunset Heat by Escada to come back in stock, it is also one of his old favorites.
Written by Mary on December 16, 2013