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For men who want to make an impression no matter where they travel, Lalique cologne for men by Lalique is a fragrance that's distinctive enough to stand out but casual enough to wear anywhere. This scent, first introduced by Lalique in 1997, has a subtle, flowery bouquet that works wonderfully in any situation. It mixes a perfect balance of citrus, cedar and jasmine with lower notes of vanilla and woods. For the contemporary man who wants to make a statement, Lalique cologne is the perfect complement.

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Customer Reviews

A great buy and a really wonderful fragrance.

Written by CEG on October 14, 2014

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I love the fragrance of Lalique. I get so many compliments.

Written by Iva Worthen on January 20, 2014

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I Love this!!! It is a bit strong when you first put it on, but within 10 minutes it becomes one of my favorite scents!!

Written by SYNAPTICGATE on October 06, 2013

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What can i say, just purchased my second bottle. the first, was a "tester" which got me hooked. Women are going crazy any time i wear it. A+++++

Written by Asete on October 04, 2013

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I love Latique, but didn't realize that you need to watch the imagine on the bottle to get the correct fragrance. This was was a lion's head and I loved the one that has the horse head on it. They are totally different, but I gave this one to my son and ordered the corrected one for my husband. This was a large bottle for the same price as the one I thougth i was getting. Good deal for someone who would like this one.

Written by Arlene on July 29, 2013

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