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Knowing by Estee Lauder is a light floral scent, rich with tones of mosses and woods. Introduced in 1988, this refreshing fragrance for women is the perfect complement to your evening ensemble. The gentle scent brings out your feminine side without compromising your confidence and poise. Spray it onto your skin before you head out to a formal dinner party or an office party and take advantage of the softness it brings to your demeanor throughout the night.

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Customer Reviews

my wife like your product and the prices

Written by henry brown jr on March 12, 2018

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my wife love your products

Written by Anonymous on October 03, 2017

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wife favorite christmas present

Written by Anonymous on November 28, 2016

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I too love the scent of Knowing. Always get compliments when I wear it---BUT, PLEASE RECONSIDER BRINGING BACK THE LOTION!!

Written by EJM on December 10, 2015

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Yes, I too love the fragrance "Knowing", but so terribly disappointed you stopped making the body lotion. Please reconsider as so many of us are truly missing that part of complete fragrance.

Written by Mailgirl102 on October 31, 2015

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