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Customer Reviews
For Fidji
by Guy Laroche
My all time favourite scent. I have had the pleasure of being lucky enough to have the real perfume. It was so beautiful. Just wish I could get my hands on some again. In the mean time I have been using the eau de parfume. When my twin granddaughters were born I wanted them to recognize me by my scent so I wore Fiji every day around them. It is now 14 years later and they still love how I smell. I will wear it forever. Thank you Guy Laroch for Fidji.
Written by Grandma B on November 04, 2015
Fidji was one of my very first scents given to me by my husband many years ago. Once the bottle was empty I never renewed it. Now, I wonder why. This scent is just Devine. Light to wear and not over-powering. I read a review that it's not like the older version, but I disagree. It's a hard to find perfume because I guess people shop for the latest and greatest. However, this fragrance is a well kept secret, and I hope you will not hesitate to try it. I am certain you will not be disappointed. When a spray it on, I instantly feel just lovely.
Written by Tracie on July 06, 2014
I have been wearing Fidji for more than 40 years. I've never grown tired of it's scent and it makes me feel beautiful. The scent always reminded me of my interior decorator, Aunt Irma, who had impeccable taste. It also reminds me of the Easter Lily in spring. I love this fragrance and you will too.
Written by Marie, Lansing, MI on May 29, 2014
One whiff and I return to Paris, in 1971...I had enough European friends for about a decade who could send it. Then zap...nowhere. Thank you, Fragrance Net, for making it possible to buy it here. It has a light, sophisticated aroma with a subtle white floral top note. It will surprise you (or someone) when you turn, or extend your hand, or have your next-to lean to whisper something to you. Try it now: you won't find it just anywhere, and it won't overpower a room with heavy sweetness. You owe it to yourself.
Written by Katya on April 10, 2014