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Customer Reviews

I love the scent of Femina it is one of my favorite perfumes. I always get asked what it is and how good it smells. It is such a clean smell. I havent been able to find it for a long time until I found your site. Thank you and please keep selling it.

Written by Tina M. on May 20, 2010

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I love this fragrance and had a hard time finding it until now. Thanks.

Written by marsha k on February 14, 2010

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Neck and neck, "femina" and "eau du sud" are close contenders for the worst smelling perfumes I have ever had the misfortune to buy. Gave them away after the first whiff. The person I gave them to threw them in the bin after first day.

Written by Anonymous on September 01, 2009

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A beautiful, unusual, complex fragrance, very surprising. Not expensive, but smells like it! It reminds me of romantic afternoons in summer. Fruity, but not sweet. Spicy, but not woody. Floral, but not cloying. Unique. The perfumer who made this is a genius. I bought it based on its description and am absolutely hooked, will buy more. Love the bottle, too!

Written by mary on August 13, 2008

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Smells of fruit and flowers, a summery, fresh and sweet scent, light and clean. Really, it makes me think of a summer's day. I'm wearing it for the first time today, and enjoying the scent so much on this warm summer afternoon, that I'm going to put this perfume on in January, during a snowstorm, close my eyes and go back to the sweet warmth of summer. Love it!

Written by mary on August 04, 2008

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