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Since 1991, Escape by Calvin Klein has been providing women with a fragrance that is perfect for that romantic evening under the stars. Its special mix of mandarin, plum, apple, rose and peach scents is combined with musk and sandalwood fragrances to create an intoxicating blend that is made to impress. Whether you wear it out to a romantic dinner or at home for a candlelit dinner for two, Escape is the right scent for an evening with that special someone.

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Customer Reviews

Escape this is my number one go to it is long lasting I get tons of compliments. I have worn Escape over 20 years some people tell me they cannot wear it but for me it’s perfect. My brother in law could wear the men’s Escape but my husband did not like it. I think things smell different because we’re all a little different. I love Tatiana also but Escapes my all time favorite.

Written by Lisa Jones on December 25, 2018

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I haven't bought Calvin Klein Escape in a while, but this was a great price and it smells better than I remembered. I am so glad I bought it.

Written by MCD on November 28, 2016

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Love this purchase - its the authentic product that beats Mall prices any day!!

Written by Pinotchick on October 13, 2016

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Love EVERYTHING I have received from you. Escape is a special favorite of my niece and I always like to have some on hand for her b'day and just because. I do love fragrance and your prices are very good. I will be ordering again.

Written by Anonymous on September 01, 2016

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Escape by Calvin Klein - I love it, the scent is so sweet and last long. My friend noticed my smell and she liked it too. I can really recommend this product.

Written by Glo on August 25, 2016

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