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Customer Reviews
For Bal A Versailles
by Jean Desprez
Husband bought this for me for my fortieth on a surprise overnight trip to Paris for birthday dinner. Now I’m 79 and he is still gifting this special fragrance. The fragrance and husband are still very special!
Written by RBO on March 26, 2020
I have been will wearing Bal A Versailles since 1976. First time I smelled it was in 1973, it had been a present to my friend from her professional athlete boyfriend. He had told her he was giving her the most fabulous perfume in the world. I remember being knocked out by the fragrance of this incredible perfume. I remember that gorgeous signature bottle that it came in. In 1976 I was in a very exclusive store and I saw the bottle and smelled that fragrance again, I have worn it ever since. Even when it's been hard to find I have had to buy it in Paris, I've had to buy it from Hong Kong. I have followed it all over the world. I am so upset when there's a shortage; I kick myself because I didn't buy enough bottles at the time. I have now learned that I have to stock up anticipating this shortage of this very rare perfume. I have taken the fragrance to varying stores and tried to replicate the fragrance there's no way that I can. I bought another very expensive perfume thinking that I liked it but after a while I realized that there is nothing like Bal A Versailles. Thank you for carirying this so I don't have to search the Internet day and night to find it please keep it in stock if possible!
Written by Bal A Versailles Devotee!! on December 05, 2016
We all have our own chemistry that certain fragrance's work best, with our own chemistry, my wise Mother taught me this, & gave me Bal A Versailles in my early 20's as a gift, It has been my signature fragrance over 40 years now, & my very favorite... I will be so thankful when it is back in stock, as I am almost out. Please continue to carry it.
Written by Shirley on February 19, 2014
My husband, JDR, and I loved New Orleans. He was first man to a friend in the crew of Babylon, and those years were special, intriguing and joyous. He lavished me with this beautiful perfume, with the perfect name: bal a versailles! How fitting for Mardi Gras, and a scent that was always with signature scent. I miss it, and I miss our good times and him. like us all, he had some glaring issues, yet....generous to a fault. Gave himself to others until there was nothing more to give...Any man who truly wants to honor and cherish his Cajun woman...this is the fragrance to know.
Written by Cajun8 on January 23, 2014
My husband bought Bal A Versailles for me at least almost 30 years ago and I have been wearing it ever since. When I could'nt find it in the US I bought what I could when I found it in our travels. I can't wait until you get it back in stock. Hurry I am almost out......
Written by Dawn on January 15, 2014