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Introduced in 2002, Arden Beauty by Elizabeth Arden is a women's perfume known for its perfectly mixed floral bouquet scent. The floral notes are subtle and fresh, creating an understated elegance that will be clear to everyone you meet. This ultrafeminine fragrance adds a touch of delicacy and sweetness to your everyday activities. Splash it on in the morning before you head to the office and feel an instant lightness that will stay with you throughout the day.

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Customer Reviews

Arden beauty , I love it I wanted to try something different so I was very satisfied , I will be ordering this perfume again

Written by Anonymous on November 14, 2016

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Arden beauty is the best perfume I've ever had. I tried back in 2003 and I fell in love with it that instant. I've been on the search for this perfume since until I found it online at this website. I just love the scent.

Written by Zahra on May 04, 2013

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Arden Beauty is a delightful fragrange, you can use it anytime, anywhere.

Written by Slaufa2012 on January 03, 2013

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I have been using Arden Beauty as my signature fragrance since it came out in 2002. It mixes well with my own body chemistry & always have people complimenting me on how good I smell. The fragrance seems to enhance itself as the day goes on. Too me it is not necessarily a floral fragrance alone, but has a spiced fragrance as well.

Written by Anonymous on November 05, 2012

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I really enjoy Arden Beauty for everyday use.

Written by Barb on October 02, 2012

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