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The sweet scent of vanilla abounds in Les Orientaux Vanille Fruity. This unisex fragrance from Molinard began delighting users in 1998 when it first landed in stores. Vanilla appears as a top note, middle note, and base note, but it features another base note of heliotrope to keep the richness of vanilla from overpowering your senses. Suitable for daytime use, this is a fragrance that you and your significant other can wear to work or around town.

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Customer Reviews


A great perfume by Molinard! Reminds me chocolate, vanilla and fresh fruits. Wonderfull sillage, strong, but not so much! Who likes Lolita Lempicka And Angel, I recommend this fragrance, is so so beautiful! Molinard is gorgeous!

Written by Diana Alcantara on February 06, 2012

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