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Customer Reviews

This is hands-down the best eyeliner that I have ever used! I use water with my Laura Mercier EyeLiner (rather than the activator) and although less water resistant, once dry, it does not smear, does not run, and does not 'flake'! I use this both as an eyeliner, and as a tight liner! As a tight liner, it is the most natural looking eyeliner as it becomes an extension of your eyelashes - - - Because I have grey eyes with a darker rim around the iris, this particular colour is excellent---- completely natural looking when I don't wear eyeshadow, and absolutely wonderful when I do a smokey eye! Fabulous!!!

Written by Libuster on November 05, 2013

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Love how smooth and soft the application of this eye shadow is.

Written by jojo on May 15, 2013

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