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Customer Reviews


I'm sorry I meant it smells like Sand and Sable mixed with Narcisse by Chloe.

Written by Cortney on February 05, 2014

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I had this perfume years ago but stopped wearing it when I didn't see it in stores anymore. That sucked because I'm a Love's girl and was sad to see Frenzy disappearing from the stores. I did a Google search for it and found it here. And for a great price! Please keep carrying my Frenzy! It reminds me of Sand and Sable mixed with Chloe! Yummmm.

Written by Cortney on February 05, 2014

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Very light fragrance. Geared mostly to teenagers. Scent doesn't last very long.

Written by notofthisworld on January 03, 2010

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I wore this fragrance a lot in junior high in the mid-90's; I had graduated from Love's Soft Jasmin and wanted something a little more adult. This made me feel very trendy. It's definitely different: a hard-edged floral, if it can even be called a floral. It has a little spice to it, but I could never figure out exactly what it was made of. It made me think of a rebel/rocker type, so I felt so confident with it on. It's not that light, and on me it was kind of strong. It's a very individualistic perfume. Not bad, just different.

Written by Jillian on May 13, 2009

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