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In 2009, Laurence Dumont introduced the fragrance Vanille Abricot for women, combining fruity, vanilla, sweet, and powdery notes to create a unique, delicious scent. The lovely fragrance is soft, so it does not overpower, and it's perfect for daytime use. Feel your mood immediately lighten when you spray this on and be prepared to receive many compliments throughout your day. The perfume is also long-lasting, so you can be confident that it will stay with you for hours.

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Customer Reviews


This fragrance is soooo alluring and enchanting! With the first spray, I immediately inhaled soft, natural vanilla and ripe apricots--freshly picked. As it carried on, I begin to smell more of the apricot peek though and shine, with a soft and cotton-y essence (that I can't quite put my finger on) to round off the sweetness in the most delicate way. Overall, a very easy-going, comfy, wear anytime/anywhere mildly sweet fragrance, with an air of sophistication. Perfect for any woman wanting a charming, inviting, and fresh scent that's not sticky-teenybopper-sweet. Simple, and soft. Get it! Sure you won't regret it!

Written by MC on March 25, 2013

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