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Enjoy the aroma of crisp fall days in woody glens with Bond No. 9 Gramercy Park fragrance by Bond No. 9. The aroma of this fragrance is provided by top notes of crisp leafy tones, fresh greens, and sheer woods, all supported on a base of English ivy and white muguet. The combination of notes creates a natural scent that starts somewhat intense but dries down to a smooth, subtle aroma. The scent was introduced in 2003 for casual use by both men and women.

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Customer Reviews


I was in love with this scent when I first smelled it. It's for those that do not like to smell of perfumes; because GramPark is so natural and subtle, but with sharp notes (as if from another dimension). The only problem is that it doesn't last long.

Written by Tijana (AUS) on October 01, 2009

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