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Customer Reviews


Gio is my most favorite perfume. It's been many years since I've worn it because I wasn't able to find it. Just thinking about it brings back the wonderful memory of the florals, citrus, and vanilla.

Written by Grandmaplenty on November 25, 2014

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It has a very strong honeysuckle smell to me, don't think I would purchase again.

Written by dmf070399 on June 18, 2014

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I simply love this perfume... the best ever and I have the large bottle size which is running low... I wear it on special occasions only since I do not want to bottle be gone!... please please start having the larger bottle available... I know you will sell many!!!

Written by Judith on June 14, 2014

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I starting wearing this perfume shortly after it's release. I have not bee able to find it for a while now. It would be great to see you carrying the full size version. Every time I wore this out People would compliment me on it, both women and men. I have never had so many compliments than I did when I wore this fragrance. Please order the full size, this parfume is a hidden gem!

Written by molly on May 26, 2014

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Perfection personified in a bottle. There are 5 perfumes in the history of perfume that I am devoted to and this is on the top of the list. Love, love, love.

Written by Anonymous on May 24, 2014

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