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Customer Reviews

I like this perfume alot. It smells just like the real Versace perfume which i do own myself. I Weare this everyday and use my Versace on Special occasions. Nobody can tell the difference. Only difference i found was that the Pure Crystal doesn't last as long as Versace but is close.

Written by Kathy on December 14, 2024

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This perfume is my everyday favorite

Written by Leather on September 09, 2023

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So I was just browsing and came across this perfume on clearance and I'm glad I did! Let me say that this scent smells really fresh and good and it last long.

Written by Micki on January 30, 2021

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You won’t regret getting Karen Low, It’s manufactured by a French perfumery, they are doing their own versions of high end fragrances, not the same, just very very similar. This is my second bottle, the first one I discovered it at the mall, and the selling lady handed it to me after describing the perfumes that i liked, and i loved it, i was surprised that I’ve never heard of this, i was so curious because this is not cheaply made and made some research. The first one i paid 68 for it, the price fragancenet offers is amazing. This scent is a very bright fresh flowery and feminine, if you look at the design you will know on which scent this is inspired on. And I have to point out that I hate cheaply fragrances, specially celebrity fragrances, this is nothing like that.

Written by Mary on October 23, 2020

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