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style on steroids texturizing spray
Revolutionary volumizing technology that's unlike anything else; alcohol and salt-free formula; provides instant thickening that lasts for days.

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Customer Reviews

I have been looking for a good texturizer spray for years and this is the absolute best product that lasts in your hair for days. Everyone has asked me what I am doing differently and I tell them WOW.

Written by Sme on July 06, 2024

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I LOVE this product. I have tied several other WOW products which are all very good, but this one “takes the cake”. The smell is very delicate, I didn’t smell it after I used it, simply a delicate, pleasant smell while spraying. I have tried many texturing sprays, I usually use Orbie, it doesn’t’t give my hair the lift the WOW product does. I will definitely order this product again - it’s now my #1 go to!

Written by TERRIEB on September 26, 2021

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