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Customer Reviews

Batucada - I got the sample size and fell in love. Love love love this. I can't believe I'm the first to review (May 2020). So good for the summer. 100% unisex, though with the sugar note it is a little on the sweet side. Fresh, free spirited, fun but with a bit of french refinement that L'Artisan does so well. Mint, lime, sugar, a little salty marine, very faint green coconut and the florals are VERY muted, which I love. The florals just add a bit of complexity and add to the tropical feel, in case you are worried about this being too floral (it's not!). At first blast I thought this might be a bit too juvenile for me - but if enjoying a fresh, cool mojito on a hot summer night is juvenile then call me a kid! I couldn't stop smelling myself. I think this could layer great with a number of citrus, aquatic, aromatic, coconut or marine fragrances as long as they were light, summery and not too complex. I layered this with a neroli-based freshy and it was fantastic. For me, full bottle worthy. Longevity/sillage aren't stellar but I would say better than average for this kind of lighter, citrus-y scent and, as usual, lasts longer on clothing. I can't imagine anyone being offended by this. Casual, simple but not boring, beachy without any kind of overwhelming suntan lotion feel. I don't mean to over hype this or gush too much but I was so pleasantly surprised!

Written by Female reviewer on May 15, 2020

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