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Customer Reviews

If you love the smell that comes from picking a leaf off a citrus tree and breaking/crushing it with your fingers, you will love this scent. It is really really close to that. I initially thought it smelled like citrus oil from the peels but this scent is greener/more bitter. It has a slightly astringent smell initially, almost chemical but I think I got that more on clothing than when it was on my skin. And at least on my skin it definitely went away. So not the part of the fruit you eat, not the oil from the peels but the scent of the leaves. I’d say this would be a good fragrance for Spring and Summer, again, especially if you love crushed citrus leaves, you’ll like this. (-: I got this scent in the set of 6 x 0.17oz by Clean on Fragrancenet. (I don’t suggest all the fragrances in that set).

Written by F. R. on January 16, 2021

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