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Customer Reviews
by Hermes
Le jardin de monsieur Li. This fragrance is simple yet amazing. It's a little peppery on the top once it dries down a bit though you have a nice aquatic flower garden scent with some element of earthy notes. It actually smells like a garden. This one in my books is a keeper. Wearing this in springtime right as all the flowers are just coming into season is very nice.
Written by Morello on May 19, 2020
This perfume ( Le Jardin De Monsieur Li, by Hermes) is my new favorite. Light, crisp and not heavy on any particular scent BUT beautifully combined, almost a haunting fragrance. I am continually asked what perfume I am wearing. I loved it so much, I purchased a bottle for my daughter's birthday.
Written by Linda on April 10, 2020
Please do not laugh. As a devoted "Jardin" user, the other day I wore this to a friend's house for a get together. Her husband commented on the fragrance and he seemed so enthralled I was almost embarrassed. Not much later, his brother made similar comments about the loveliness of the fragrance. A few days later I gave the bottle to the friend. I got myself a new one and do not plan to use it when I go there again. I love it. I do hope he enjoys it on his wife.
Written by Jennifer on April 03, 2020