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Customer Reviews
For Polo Big Pony #1
by Ralph Lauren
This is one of my favorite's of the Big Pony fragrances. It has a nice, clean, crisp smell that is great for just about anytime. I receive a lot of complements on this cologne whenever I wear it. I would definitely recommend it.
Written by Edward Cumming on February 10, 2014
I have worn Ralph Lauren fragrances all of my life. This one is BY FAR the best! I get SO many compliments on it. It almost has a masculine smell to it. I am afraid that Ralph will stop making it, so I'm stocking up on it! I absolutely LOVE this scent.
Written by Nicole on November 03, 2013
Polo Big Pony #1 by Ralph Lauren is fabulous I love this fragrance! Initially, I tried the body mist, that is what led me to the purchase. This is a fresh citrus scent and stays with you all day. Just love it...I will wear it all through the year.
Written by Lorraine on October 07, 2013