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Customer Reviews
by Disney
This is the perfect gift for my grandaughter who thinks she's a princess..Arrived on time ... I also purchased mt favorite perfume' Ysatis ,and a traveling size.. I am very satisfied with your company..
Written by Claire K. on July 04, 2013
this perfume is fantasic.. i use it when im going out to parties with a few friends of mine. i also got one for my neice and shes already 12 yrs old she uses it only when going out to parties... sometimes she would use mine but its ok.. a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to look good and to smell fantasic.. my friends love the perfume also their also thinking about ordering a few perfumes themselves.. thanks.. written by.. lavina k. Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan
Written by lavin on April 16, 2007
My little girl loves this. She's 9 years old. She was always wanting me to let her wear my perfumes. But I don't really think most adult perfumes belong on a 9 year old. This one is fresh and youthful, and doesn't smell to mature for an older child. I gave it to her for her birthday, and it made her day. Now she has her very own fragrance (and she doesn't constantly beg to wear mine). Great product.
Written by Jennifer in CA on April 08, 2007