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Tom Ford Ombre Leather
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Tom Ford Ombre Leather (Marca)
Spices and leather to come together harmoniously in Ombre Leather, a riveting scent from the design house of Tom Ford. Elegant, rich and layered, this sensuous scent brings to memory the layered landscapes of the American Soutwest. Created by Sonia Constant, this deeply textured fragrance opens with spicy notes from cardamom and then wraps you up with the softness of leather and jasmine sambac, only to untether you into submission to its deep base notes of moss, patchouli and amber.
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Tom Ford Ombre Leather
Tom Ford Ombre Leather
eau de parfum
unisex3 tamaños disponibles
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4.8 Estrellas (38 Reviews)
Tom Ford Ombre Leather
Tom Ford Ombre Leather
unisex ¡Ahorre hoy!
5.0 Estrellas
Tom Ford Ombre Leather
Tom Ford Ombre Leather
body spray
unisex ¡Ahorre hoy!Reseñas (0)
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