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From Yves Saint Laurent, a celebrated leader in fashion and high style, Kouros Body cologne is a resonant and intriguing scent for men. This evocative and intense daytime scent perfectly blends elements of incense and eucalyptus with aromatic woods and benzoin for a mysterious and passionate fragrance that's great for any occasion but will turn heads wherever you go. A mysterious and intriguing fragrance that still works perfectly for casual occasions, Kouros Body is a universal scent for all circumstances.

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Customer Reviews

Every woman I’ve ever met loves this scent. It’s by far one of the best out there.

Written by Erics Muscle Cars on January 03, 2025

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Everyone I know loves the smell of. I don’t share what it is because I don’t want everyone to know my secret.

Written by Eric’s Muscle Cars on January 03, 2025

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I found Kouros Body to be manly, but not overpowering. It has a soothing freshness, but not like all the “aqua” scents. My girl loves it.

Written by Anonymous on November 01, 2024

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Been using it for years best scent I ever used dont know what i would do without

Written by Dennis Lindberg on August 06, 2023

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Blind buy. It’s very different - never smelled anything quite like it. It doesn’t smell “natural” to me - it smells totally synthetic - but in a good way. When I say synthetic I mean like when you get in a brand new car - that is a synthetic smell. This doesn’t smell like a new car - that’s just an analogy. Anyway, I didn’t like it at first but I wore it a few times and it grew on me. Now I really like it - mostly just because it’s so different. I would recommend it - but maybe smell it first - knowing that it grows on you.

Written by TampaMan on November 15, 2021

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