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Jivago 24k by Jivago is a men's fragrance that is perfect for your next daytime excursion. Its combination of coriander, sandalwood, musk and vetiver creates an intoxicating scent that will go well with your favorite afternoon attire. Since 1995, Jivago 24k has been the cologne for men needing a masculine fragrance for at an afternoon at the office or a day with friends at the golf course. Its unique scent gives you all the confidence you need to make it through your day.

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Customer Reviews

When I met my husband 21 years ago Jivago made our night even more special because I couldn’t stop Drooling all over his cologne smell. Love this cologne

Written by Dukes wife on December 08, 2021

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When I met my husband 21 years ago Jivago made our night even more special because I couldn’t stop Drooling all over his cologne smell. Love this cologne

Written by Dukes wife on December 03, 2021

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I love Jivago 24K for Men. It smells like Cool Water to me. I hope they don't discontinue this one because I like to purchase it every now and then.

Written by Frag Aficionado on May 18, 2020

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My collection is now complete with this ! Love love love it

Written by Alfonzo on February 14, 2020

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This is the best cologne. Period.

Written by Travel on November 25, 2019

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