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Customer Reviews

Great product and price

Written by Anonymous on June 30, 2024

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Lovely floral fragrance that does capture a true Jasmin. Not in your face but subtle, and lasts a long time. It is not multi-dimensional but if you like Jasmin, this is for you. And at this price point, you can't beat it!

Written by Perfume Addict on May 24, 2024

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I have been looking for a jasmine fragrance ever since I purchased an eau de cologne in St Kitts. I just received Jasmin by Shirley May and am so disappointed. I smell no jasmine. It has a very strong alcohol smell. I hate it!

Written by Ulla Leonard on November 15, 2022

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So very lovely...mix this beautiful, soft fragrance with your body chemistry and you will be followed everywhere!!

Written by Karla on October 06, 2015

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Jasmin by Etisco is fragrant and smells wonderful. You can wear it any time of the day, and is not overpowering.

Written by Carol on July 04, 2015

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