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Customer Reviews
This is the only fragrance I wear I’m just gutted that I can’t seem to get it any more not even here on fragrance .net they really need to discontinue the new scent and restart the original it is a classic and much better
Written by Terri on May 18, 2020
I wrote a review for Chloe some years ago, I have jut had my 80 th birthday and I am happy to say Chloe is still the only scent I still wear so we can be pretty sure that my choice is not going to change I may be older but I still want to smell good and people still tell me I do. Age ha nothing to do with it. Attitude is everything, especially now. Nanci K. from Kalama,Wa..
Written by Anonymous on May 14, 2020
I Ihave been wearing Chole for so many years, I can't remember. It is a perfect blend. It is Sexy, Flattering and just brings back such great memories. My husband always made sure I never ran out of it. There was always a spare bottle in my closet. Thank you for something so precious to me and available . I can still see the look on hiis face when he gave me my first bottle. Please keep CHOLE original . Thank you AGAIN.
Written by Sandy A. on May 06, 2020