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eau de parfum
Chanel Coco Mademoiselle is a beautiful women's perfume created by Chanel. Introduced in 2001, this modern fragrance has notes of jasmine, bergamot, and orange that are combined with musk, making it ideal for daytime use. The fresh scent of this perfume makes it perfect to wear when heading out to work, staying in with the family, or going out with friends. It is an ideal mix that is suitable for events where you want a scent that gets you noticed but isn't overwhelming.

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Customer Reviews

Best fragrance I have come across so far. When you wear it, people get mesmerized n compliment you.

Written by Shell on January 29, 2025

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Can't have enough of this fragrance..it is by far the best of the bestest...try to keep this one on my dresser...I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS PERFUME...THE COMPLIMENTS ARE ENDLESS AND THE SMELL IS ENDLESS ❤️❤️

Written by Karen on July 18, 2023

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This is G.O.A.T. of fragrances!!! Head turner!! Fresh n Clean smell that lasts all day.. I love this so much!!

Written by Ebone' on January 24, 2023

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Coco Chanel “Mademoiselle” stops the traffic! I love it! It stays the whole day long and when I wear it. It makes me very happy. Wow! To the one that made it, because he is a true hero!!!

Written by Mari on December 17, 2022

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Coco Mademoiselle is my favorite perfume. I’ve never had so many compliments or inquiries as to “ what are you wearing “ as I have had when wearing it. I’ve often asked “ is it too strong or overpowering?” because when I was younger I was told if someone asks you that question .. you’ve sprayed on too much !! The answer is the same every time . “No … it’s so beautiful, soft and wonderful “.

Written by Karen K on July 29, 2022

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.