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Customer Reviews

This is the cedar version of the line - sweet and woodsy - still has the signature musk - still sweet and musky. Great for spring and fall.

Written by Parma prince on August 25, 2024

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It amazes me that this scent isn’t talked about. It smells just like a basket of orange peels and not in a loud and sweet way. So clean and so refreshing. I would say both men and women could pull it off because it’s such a pleasant smell. There isn’t anything mind blowingly different about this fragrance but just a well rounded fresh fruit scent. You won’t be disappointed

Written by Vlad on December 29, 2022

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OMG! This fragrance is excellent and long lasting!! It smells like fresh Orange peels. I also like that the scent is not overpowering. Simply a subtle and inviting citrus aroma!

Written by KoolBluu on April 15, 2022

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