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Customer Reviews

Love the Bottle but the scent is not for me.

Written by An Na on September 03, 2023

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I'm a huge JPG La Belle fan so I wanted to try other scents from the fragrance house. The Pin-Up bottle is so adorable, how could it go wrong?! This is a fresh scent. The initial spray was a little much for me but the dry down was lovely. I like the smell better on my clothing than my skin. Perhaps it doesn't play well with my chemistry. I won't buy it again but I'll spray my throw pillows on the couch with it for a nice little sniff while watching TV. Not on my must-have list.

Written by Moxie Mandie on December 06, 2022

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The opening note was sour and then it settles and its like marshmallows, its not for me.

Written by A miss on November 30, 2022

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Top notes was too tangy spicy soapy sad. I had high hopes. High expectations but, let me down.

Written by Erica on May 24, 2022

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I have been using this fragrance for years. I have had people come up to me and ask me what is it. They think it is amazing. Just love it

Written by Anonymous on April 13, 2022

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