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Customer Reviews
For Armaf All You Need Is Love
by Armaf
Armaf All you need is love is a clone of Aqua di gio absolute. It last for about 6 hours at arms length then sit closer to the skin . It's a compliment puller. Just a tad lighter than absolute on initial spray. Over spray (8) will get you where you need to be.
Written by Christopher cole on November 24, 2021
Armaf all you need is love is a great clone of aqua di gio absolute. It doesn't have the sillage or longevity but with that said it can stand up to the big boy. All you need is love 25 to 40 dollars or 108 to 140 for absolute. Absolute was my signature scent before my switch to to ysl Y. Absolutely I'd recommend all you need is love. Great juice for the money.
Written by Chris on August 25, 2021
All you need is love is an almost exact clone of aqua di gio absolute. I think the concentration is a little on the light side but most people won't be able to tell the difference. You get a solid 4 to 6 hours of use. This mimics a 110 dollar to 142 dollar fragrance depending on where you get it.
Written by Anonymous on August 13, 2021