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Customer Reviews

This is a great sent, which can be best described as a personal experience. This is a sent for you to enjoy in the conform of your own home or happy place. Is an Eau de Cologne, which means it only last for a few hours and then it stays close to the skin. Open fresh an with a effervescent citrus note and hints of the classic Guerlanide note form Guerlain smells, then it goes as a classic Cologne (similar to Chanel’s Eau de Cologne) it finish with the slight musky sent close to the skin. Again, is a personal sent only for the wearer to enjoy, I even use it for bed. Enjoy!

Written by RJ on April 24, 2022

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Just received this and although it smells great it doesn’t last for more than an hour. Won’t be buying this again!

Written by Mr. T on December 05, 2021

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I have a lot more expensive fragrances but this one here is remarkable. Not only does it not break the bank it smells as good as the expensive colognes. Don’t sleep on this on..

Written by Alonzo Barber on November 21, 2021

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Excellent white musk and neroli cologne for the tropics. This is my third bottle!

Written by Cam on August 27, 2019

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