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Customer Reviews

I’ve read some negative remarks about this not smelling like tuberose. It smells exactly like tuberose…a strong little white flower. Beautiful sent. Definitely a 5 star. Refreshing.

Written by Shirley Weston on September 03, 2024

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I have read many descriptions of this fragrance including the one from La Perla themselves, and it is described as warm and creamy and having Tonka Bean and you don’t get ANY of that. To me it smells like a floral shampoo for women 30+. And not a bubblegummy tuberose either. Disappointed.

Written by Melonie C on May 07, 2020

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I don't know why they call this scent Tuberose since I couldn't find any of that flower in this. Not a bad scent, just disappointing.

Written by Ana on December 04, 2019

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