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Customer Reviews

I bought this with a larger order looking for a specific scent. I was caught off guard how great the scent was and I immediately loved it and now wear it as my top two. It lasts all day and then some. Love it!

Written by Nick on January 03, 2025

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This is my favorite fragrance from Azzaro by far and my favorite leather fragrance period. This is a very sweet leather scent dna from opening to dry down. This smells like a sweet blue fragrance with a heavy sticky glazed leather at its base frosted with vanilla. I only wish they made this fragrance available in a larger sized bottle than 3.4 oz. This is signature scent worthy especially during the colder seasons of fall winter and this would still be very nice in early spring. 5/5 stars Azzaro’s best fragrance by far in my opinion.

Written by Allen on January 29, 2021

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