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Customer Reviews

I just love the smell of this fragrance but it's to lite for me I would definitely buy another one if it came in Parfum version that's how much I like it. Almost done with this bottle of tolliet version, everyone's coming out with elixirs come on Trussardi team you've got a winner here more oil...

Written by Rudy R. on July 13, 2024

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Beautiful smelling scent but it's very lite fragrance then I am attracted too. But you will like the smell for sure I get about 4hrs on my skin.

Written by Rudy R. on June 25, 2024

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Great smelling fragrance you will like it your wife will like it. Elegant classy rich smelling fragrance to me. First one from Trussardi but not my last, super good price mine was a tester with a cap. Savings what a deal I've paid more for fragrances I didn't like once I got them. Under the radar fragrance, this was a blind buy good choice.

Written by Rudy R. on June 23, 2024

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Smell super amazing,last all day on my skin A signature fragrance for me,for the price and quality,I'm happy to say this is a 10 of 10 beauty.

Written by Alex on June 04, 2022

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Yep. I love it. Elegant, classic, clean, unique. Honestly becoming a signature scent at this point. 30+ ages. 9/10.

Written by Jeff on March 24, 2022

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