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Customer Reviews

Fugere fragrance of impressive subtlety. Evolutions of park and gardens. Very pleasant. It works more or less well depending on skin moisturizing status & weather. When it fails to ignite inspired sense of lush surrounds, it is an acceptable general green, tad on the sweet

Written by Scents with Purpose on June 06, 2024

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seriously wouldn't be surprised if Hyde Park evolves to be ranked as a classic. a green citrus to open with bergamot and fig leaf, moves almost immediately through a tantalizing sweet heart with fruity fig, balancing with jasmine, rose and angelica absolutely aches a longing in its flowery heart, almost a bit soapy, but kept in line with the snap of a pink peppery whip and extended with patchouli. this is my favorite men's floral

Written by zio on May 07, 2015

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