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Customer Reviews
This is the best facial cleanser I've ever used and I've used a lot in my many years. It cleans my face so well, I don't even bother using makeup remover, Clarins One Step Facial Cleanser also great as a toner and moisturizes my face just right. I have oily skin so this is all I need when doing my daily cleansing routine. After I use it my face feels so clean, soft and beautiful. I've been using this product for more than a year and I'll never use anything else. I have also seen some products similar to this one and no way am I even going to try them. This product is so wonderful that I ordered three more for my sister and nieces as Christmas presents. They are all busy people who don't have much time for the customary cleansing practices, so this will be perfect for them and I know they will love Clarins One Step Facial Cleanser as much as I do.
Written by Celeste M. on December 03, 2022
I purchased this Clarins One Step Facial Cleanser and it is everything the previous customers stated. The product does not foam as most facial cleansers, but instead whisks away dirt and makeup with ease. After washing I immediately noticed my pores were clean and my skin was very soft and smooth. I have oily to normal skin in the spring & summer months and dry skin in the fall and winter months. I usually scrub my face daily with a milk based "soapy" wash and then use a heavy or lightweight moisturizer depending upon the time of year. This product is unlike anything I've ever used. After cleansing, there's no need to even rinse the product off! Simply dry your face. It leaves the skin soft and very smooth. I haven't done so yet, but I probably would not even need to use a moisture after cleansing. My skin does not feel tight or taut afterwards. I am prone to periodical acne breakouts, but I'd use this product even if I did not have this problem. I am so amazed at how small my pores become when using this cleanser! This stuff is just so awesome and totally unlike any facial product I've ever used - and I've probably used most of what's on the market!!
Written by Denise V. on November 28, 2021
The one step facial cleanser with orange extract is vey good for my face eveytime my face has signs of a breakout I use the cleanser and my face clears. i wish I culd get it easily in Lusaka.
Written by Nakazwe, Zambia on April 10, 2017