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Let the classic fragrance of Apr?s L'Ondee bring out the best in you. Jacques Guerlain created this delicate, enduring scent for women in 1906, and its international appeal continues. With a cassia top note and neroli, anise, bergamot and lemon middle and base notes, the lovely blend, like the name, reminds you of the fresh scent of a garden after a spring rain. Wear Apr?s L'Ondee and be renewed and inspired to take on the world, or to tackle that new project in your kitchen.

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Customer Reviews

smells like a bar of soap. extremely short lived.

Written by I smell great on June 11, 2020

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This scent is like wearing MAGIC. Wonderfully understated and a great scent if you are looking for something to be your special atmosphere. While it wears close to the skin, when you walk through a room people can smell it. It is a mixture of violets, cypress and vanilla with other notes built in. Check FRAGRANTICA website where all of the notes and descriptions of perfumes are written in, and you will see what all this beautiful magical perfume has to offer. I have purchased several bottles over the years from Fragrance Net, and this is really the best deal ever that you will get on Apres L'Ondee. It is a classic fragrance, office friendly, and if you are in places where you must be close to people such as a choir, church, office, fitness centers,etc, this is the scent for you. Because FragranceNet sells it at such great prices, I buy the big bottles, and wear it almost every day

Written by Apres L'Ondee is MAGICAL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!! on March 24, 2020

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What better way to give special thanks on this Thanksgiving Day than with a bottle of Guerlain Apres L’ondee edt?

Written by Helen on November 22, 2018

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Guerlain Après L'ondée is a classic essential for every collection. It's lovely, familiar light floral fragrance is suitable for anyone, any time.

Written by Angela on April 17, 2017

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.