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eau de parfum
Introduced in 2012 by Dolce & Gabbana, Dolce & Gabbana Pour Femme Intense is an explosion of distinguished and addictive scents that combine to create a modern fragrance for the refined woman. Notes of green mandarin, neroli and fragrant tuberose are blended with aromatic orange blossom and warm sweet marshmallow to create an exotic perfume that is just the thing for special occasions or to wear as an alternative scent to your daily go-to fragrance.

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Customer Reviews

beautiful marshmallow and light orange blossom i love this perfume, also it doesn't project strong

Written by Anonymous on November 11, 2024

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I absolutely love ❤️ this perfume! Can't find medium & large bottles of this fragrance anymore.

Written by M.Mathis on October 17, 2024

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Beautiful scent. Probably my favorite of D&G. The dry down is lovely. At first spray it reminded me of Versace Noir, but after it sat, it’s completely different. Like nothing I currently have and my collection is vast. I bought the tester and it came with the original cap; the only thing different was the box. Easily a great blind buy!

Written by Sidney on August 13, 2023

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Sweet candy like fragrance but more sexy. I love it.

Written by CE on August 02, 2023

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This fragrance is so soft, sexy, and my hubby just loves when I wear it!

Written by Colleen Daniels on July 25, 2023

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