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Introduced in 2012, Armani Code Ultimate is a commanding and intense cologne for men who attract attention every time they enter a room. Designed by Giorgio Armani, this fragrance features bold top notes of grapefruit, Mandarin orange and star anise, which combine perfectly with the woody middle notes of cedar and olive blossom. Long-lasting and lush, this scent is perfect to get your engine started in the morning and keep you in charge no matter what you face during the day.

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Customer Reviews

This is my all time favorite cologne. I really missed having it for a long time. The scent is amazing! I love how long it lasts on my skin. I can't wait to get this cologne again!

Written by Anonymous on October 03, 2024

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Armani code ultimate, my favorite fragrance. Always get compliments from women & men.

Written by Tony on March 03, 2018

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The best cologne made!

Written by Bucky on September 24, 2017

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Have always loved the scent this leaves on my body.

Written by Anonymous on June 29, 2017

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Armani Code Ultimate... The name says it all. Nothing else matches the scent of this awesome fragrance. My wife gets a little jealous when we go to the mall. Women are drawn to me like a magnet!

Written by John W. on September 06, 2016

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2 of 2 people found this review helpful.