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eau de parfum
Eau de New York by Bond No 9 is a unisex fragrance that was launched in 2004. Although there are no big apple aromas in this scent, there are plenty of fruity top notes strolling through the park alongside beautiful florals, with musk and vetiver ably holding their hands along the avenues. Whether you're male or female, you'll be in an empire state of mind every time you spray on a bit of this daytime cosmopolitan scent.

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Customer Reviews

I been using this parfumerie for almost 10 years,I’m in love with this scent,absolutely beautiful,fresh long lasting,I can’t live with out this one

Written by MB on June 18, 2022

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There is nothing New york about it I hate it . It smells gross

Written by Eve on March 18, 2022

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I love the initial freshness of this scent. It is very light and clean. However, it doesn’t last as long as I had hoped. The silage is not very long. Yet this is still a very nice fragrance.

Written by Ed on June 20, 2021

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This is one of my favorite fragrances of all time, love it! The scent is elegant and crisp, and lasts all day.

Written by Jane L. on June 25, 2020

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Eau de New York is amazing!!! I feel good, look god and definitely know that I smell good when wearing this Bond No. 9 scent! My first and will not be my last experience with Bond No. 9 , I look forward to a good smelling relationship!

Written by Casibueno 44 on June 03, 2020

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