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Customer Reviews
There are jasmine's, then there are jasmines❣ Creed makes the ONLY one I know of that truly has this heavenly floral throughout it's different levels. If they brought back the CREED original that had notes of Night Blooming Jasmine, I think I'd not only bathe in it, I'd purchase it 5 bottles at a's THAT unique, alluring & STUNNING. Stays on most skin types very nicely, but with dry skin such as mine, I'd JUMP at the chance to purchase a coordinating cream ❗ YOUR TURN CREED...ADD BACK some Night Blooming Jasmine & make a cream for use as a base for those of us who love this signature scent! No one ever knows WHAT it is, but there's NEVER a day when someone close enough doesn't ADORE it & want to know where to BUY IT❣
Written by Taylor.torchsinger on November 13, 2020
I love CREED and This particular perfume goes on strong and dies down to such a beautiful soft finish, not overly floral. It’s warm, stays on my skin and I get compliments all the time. I’ve been wearing this perfume for years and I never get tired of it. If you like Jasmine, there is nothing that tops this perfume, it’s incredibly beautiful and timeless
Written by Elisa on May 16, 2019