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body lotion
Evoke the priceless memories of your childhood when you wear Pink Sugar by Aquolina. Introduced in 2004, this deliciously sweet perfume for women will delight your senses. Its combination of cotton candy, raspberry, licorice, powder, fig leaves, orange, strawberry, bergamot, caramel and wood will bring complements to the playful woman who dares to wear it. Its lively aromatic scent is appropriate for any daytime activities you may have, whether they be in the boardroom or the playground.

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Customer Reviews

LOVE IT!! The smell is delicious!

Written by Anonymous on September 18, 2023

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I am new to these fragrances. I gotta tell ya I freaken looooooove this scented lotion. It smells great! I love how it feels on my skin! I actually had to buy another one because I'm almost done with the first lotion. MMMMMMMM .I just love it. Sweet and youthful scent but I am using it because it goes great with my body chemistry. I get so many compliments especially from men. I have the red velvet and TWO bottle of the OG perfumes that's how much I love these scents! I have the shower gel and scrub!It lasts for several hours maybe longer. Not overpowering.

Written by Elizabeth Q. on July 21, 2022

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I like to use this lotion along with the shower gel under other not so sweet perfumes.

Written by Miss Lisa on May 07, 2022

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The lotion is super fragrant and nice to layer with the perfume! I am super happy that I purchased both.

Written by Lacey on April 10, 2022

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Great smell. Similar to flower bomb. A very sweet young pleasant scent.

Written by Gabbie on December 23, 2020

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1 of 1 people found this review helpful.