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If you're looking for a masculine, woody fragrance to wear during the cold months of winter, look no further than Swiss Army Snow Power by Victorinox. Launched in 2010, this manly aroma combines notes of vetiver and cedar wood, resulting in an aroma likened to that of fresh wood crackling in a fireplace. Whether you're trekking out in the snow or spending the evening warming yourself by the fire, this tantalizing fragrance is sure to bring warmth to the cheeks of all who cross your path.

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Customer Reviews

Snow Power has a great elegant smell to it. Never had tried this brand before, but I think its great!!!!

Written by Anonymous on September 02, 2013

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This is the first time I wear this brand and only because it was a gift I can't get used to the smell. But it doesn't smell like cedar

Written by Anonymous on July 08, 2013

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I've been a huge fan of Swiss Army for quite awhile and have always been pleased. I can't say that on this one. The scent is not the woodsy tone that is advertised in the brand information. It smells more like powder.

Written by KLH on April 03, 2013

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