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Customer Reviews
I would order other stuff (cologne, candle melts, etc. because they were more affordable for me) just to get a sample of Prescription Youth Instant Erase Eye Serum and then try to make it last or save it for special occasions because I was so impressed with the way it worked. Finally I decided that I needed to just order the Instant Erase Eye Serum; with the results I was getting it really wasn't too expensive.
Written by Sandra on March 23, 2020
I ordered this product after receiving a sample of Prescription Youth. Not excepting anything out of the ordinary and to my surprise it worked. It worked so well that I ordered the entire kit almost the very next day. At 72 when you get compliments and see no visible lines it's a good day. Thanks for this product, one that works
Written by Judie on March 07, 2019
I just received prescription youth instant erase eye serum. it really smooths out lines and wrinkles and not just around the eyes. It works best when applied after makeup. Works better than Clarins instant smooth. Finally a product that really does what it says!!!
Written by Linda on September 15, 2016
When I bought a fragrance from this company I had received a sample of this Prescription Youth and I thought I'm 64 yrs old what do I have to lose???? So I tried it a love it ...I noticed the lines around my eyes and my scar on my face and the lines around my mouth looked and felt fuller I would recommend this product
Written by steeltowngirlpa on September 04, 2016