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She Wood by Dsquared2 is a dynamic perfume for women that mixes floral notes with contrasting influences. Violet leaves and blossoms mingle with jasmine petals. These elements are contrasted with musk, cedar wood, lemon, and more. While each of these notes is distinct and full of personality, they work well with each other to create a perfume with a unique identity. First created in 2008, a splash of She Wood works well for casual engagements and romantic encounters.

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Customer Reviews

Pretty violet forward scent with heliotrope and lovely woody accents. This starts out soft and gets deeper and stronger but never overpowers. Very nice fragrance for the price.

Written by Rickyrebarco on April 24, 2014

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I was tired of wearing the same thing that a gazillion other women were wearing so I tried She Wood. I have a hard time smelling anything on myself, but I have had complete strangers comment on this scent about how great it smells. My daughter even told me I smelled delicious the first time I wore it. This is a keeper

Written by Susan H on December 06, 2013

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Both men and women compliment me when I wear this. It's seductive, classy and unique. I'm 32 years old and I believe it's the perfect scent for my age. I wear it every day. To work, out on the town... It's all I wear now!

Written by Evrhdchk on November 13, 2013

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This perfume is awesome!! Great complements !!! And best part it's the original !!! Trust it 100% People will stop u and ask u what u wearing ;) love it

Written by PR baby :) on August 16, 2013

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I LOVE this scent. I am so happy I ordered it finally after testing it on myself about 3 years ago. I love floral scents and was looking for something that smelled of strong violets and this was the perfect perfume! It lasts soooo long on me and it makes me so happy whenever I wear it. Buy it!

Written by bo on March 07, 2013

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