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Playboy Miami cologne is an exciting fragrance for men that accents your masculinity. Introduced in 2008 by Playboy, this scent has notes of leafy greens, cyclamen, musk, cedar wood, jasmine and apple that make it stand out in the crowd. The fragrance is perfect for casual situations, so you'll know you always smell great, whether you're hanging out with friends or heading to the office for the day. The moderate scent won't overwhelm others.

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Customer Reviews

Oh Playboy Miami... What a surprise this coy little scent is! I wasn't expecting much when I picked this up, but needless to say I was extremely satisfied. Great scent for the price, people never believe me when I tell them what it is. My buddies all want to get a bottle, and my lady friends have developed a new hobby... Hug'&'Sniff!

Written by Ace on February 27, 2012

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