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The fruity, floral fragrance of Cool Water Freeze Me is a refreshing fruity floral scent for women from the house of Davidoff. Launched in 2008, this perfume features notes from pineapple, while the heart is interesting with notes from violet, magnolia, bamboo, jasmine, violet and lily-of-the-valley. The base is engaging with hints from orris root, musk, amber and sandalwood.

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Customer Reviews

Cool Water Freeze Me, is Cool Water on steroids... I get many compliment's wearing this fragrance...

Written by Warren G..... on August 21, 2013

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I just love the Cool Water line. To me, this seems less spicy than the original Cool Water scent. EVERY time I wear this, original Cool Water or Cool Water Frozen, I always get compliments from both men and women. I also like the fact that none of my friends wear this scent, kinda like my own trademark!

Written by Wendy on November 16, 2012

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