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Customer Reviews
by Etro
I bought this in Italy last November. Probably more for evening wear, but I put it on anytime. Had it on in the supermarket last week and the checkout lady leaned over the counter and said 'you smell soooo good.' I get this everytime I wear it! I Want to try the other Etro Fragrances. Glad I can find it here!
Written by Charle/ Jamestown CA on June 04, 2009
MESSE DE MINUIT ETRO is a woody oriental scent that I love. No matter what fragrance I wear and I add a little Messe De Minuit because I love it so much. It is an unusual fragrance. Incense, rare spices with a slight musty woody scent. If you opened a trunk to find lovely old garments made from silks, velvets, lace and fine wool from far away places, this is what I imagine you would smell.
Written by Pyra on March 05, 2009