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Bring a touch of elegance to your evening with Jovan Sex Appeal by Jovan. This perfect mix of patchouli and sandalwood fragrances creates a classic oriental scent. Introduced in 1976, this fragrance for men is the perfect way to create a sense of old-world sophistication, whether you are out for dinner with friends or hitting the latest trendy spots in town. Apply Jovan Sex Appeal to your skin before you leave the house in the evening and take advantage of the immediate energy boost it inspires.

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Customer Reviews

I have been waiting for over a year for Jovan Sex Appeal/women to come in stock and honestly, I'm beginning to wonder if it will ever be found again.

Written by pam/Md on December 28, 2013

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I love the scent of this perfume and like other this is the one of the best smelling perfume I use. The fragrance is what got me to buy the product in the first place. I love the comments I receive when I wear it.

Written by Patty from PA on September 08, 2013

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Jovan Sex Appeal is one of the nicest fragrances for men. I have women come up to my husband just to smell him! It's a nice fresh fragrance with a hint of sexy! Love it!

Written by b on February 28, 2013

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It smells so appealing! It more creates a nice chaste aura like that of the old baby creams of Jonson Brand...

Written by Fatima on January 23, 2013

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Sex Appeal...a great fragrance for all day, evening, and anytime. It's light but smells sooooo nice. Even other men have told my husband they like it because it's not overpowering, but clean smelling.

Written by Anonymous on October 16, 2012

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