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The warm, spicy and floral fragrance of Arsenal Red is an enthralling fragrance for men from the house of Gilles Cantuel. Launched in 1998, this perfume features fragrance notes of amber along with woody, floral and spicy notes.

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Customer Reviews


this is an amazing cologn every time my bf wairs it drives me wild it has a very spicey smell with woody undertone i absolutly love it

Written by debra on May 25, 2011

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the first time i wore arsenal, all my co-workers, including the guys, had to know the name and where i purchased it.

Written by tim on August 01, 2010

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I had to look for a long time to finally find it. Just love it.

Written by Anonymous on January 07, 2008

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the best scent i ever had

Written by Anonymous on May 26, 2007

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